HangZhou JiangHe
Science&Technology CO.,Ltd
Tel :+86 571-88087231
Zip Code:310012
Fax:+86 571-88832931
Prize and Qualifications
First prize in New tidalunit DaYu Technology Progress Award |
Qualification certificationcertificate
Engineering Design Certificate
High-tech EnterpriseCertificate |
Engineering consultancyqualification certificate |
Provincial high-techR & D Center |
Companyorganization code certificate |
Patent of A bi-directionsixoperating conditions tidal units |
Patent of one kind ofhydro-generating set thrust head |
Patent of a bearinganti-mist device
Patent of a flexiblepadsupport thrust bearing |
Patent of a kind ofmagnetic pole with fully closedinsulation structure |
Patent of a synchronousgenerator stator core |
Patent of a floatingand slidingthrust bearing |
Patent of one kind ofmagnetic polefixtures |
Patent of one kind offasteningstructure forthe stator wire rod |
The stator patent of the tidal hydroelectric generating set |
Oil-supply head patent of tidalturbine
Paten of sixoperating conditions tidal hydroelectric generating set |
HangZhou JiangHe
Science&Technology CO.,Ltd
Tel :+86 571-88087231
Zip Code:310012
Fax:+86 571-88832931